Çerez Örnek



The Department of German Language and Literature at Ege University aims to enable students to reach their full intellectual potential through a liberal arts education. Studying literature, language, and related humanistic disciplines equips students with the necessary skills to understand not only the ideas, attitudes, and values of their own culture but those of others as well. The objective of the program is to develop students’ ability to make critical analysis in many areas of social sciences and to be able to express their ideas orally and in written form.



The BA programme consisting of a total of 8 semesters in 4 years, aims to provide students with an advanced level of language skills, core knowledge in literary terms, cultural history, literary and linguistic theory and vocational competence in language, literature, translation and cultural studies. Graduates of the Department of German Language and Literature have a wide range of employment and career opportunities available to them; they will find opportunities in various public institutions (especially the Ministry of Culture and Tourism)and private organizations, especially in spheres of foreign trade and tourism industry, in publishing houses, newspapers and magazines. In addition, they can pursue the teaching profession at public or private schools after having gained a Teaching CertificateFurthermore, our graduates may pursue an academic career by taking up scientific study at universities (at Master’s and Doctorate levels).



Ege Üniversitesi